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添加Google Maps


成功啦,原来作者的代码中多了两个空格,晕死。 看鱼做的示例.

1.像以前添加Google Ajax search一样,先到官方网站上申请一个Key,地址在这儿


3.紧在</head>之前,添加下面代码。在这一步,我们可以设定默认的Google maps加载时的地点,要用到经纬度,可以通过Google earth得到。经纬度格式示例:4.700000, 52.300000


<script src="'"api&v="2&key="申请到的Key'" type="'text/javascript'/"><br /><br /><script src="'"uds.js&amp;v="1.0&source ="uds-msw&key="申请到的Key'" type="'text/javascript'/"><br /><br /><script type="'text/javascript'"><br /><br />function LoadMap() {<br /><br />var map = new GMap(document.getElementById("map"));<br /><br />map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint(经度, 纬度), 3);<br /><br />var point = new GPoint(经度, 纬度);<br /><br />var markertext = "关于此地点的信息";<br /><br />var marker = new GMarker(point);<br /><br />GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {marker.openInfoWindowHtml(markertext);});<br /><br />map.addOverlay(marker);<br /><br />}<br /><br />GSearch.setOnLoadCallback(LoadMap);<br /><br /></script>



<div id="map" style="width:360px; height:260px; border:solid 1px #000000;">Loading map...</div>

via BeautifulBeta

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